A New Meaning to the School Run
School Parents in Leicester are being supported by 1mpact after their "Building Blocks" project was supported under the European Social Fund Community Programme.
Understanding English language and isolation barriers some school-parents face, 1mpact created the idea of bringing a 12-week learning and development programme.
James Bambridge, 1mpact Director said:
"We wanted the project to bring people together in a safe and trusted environment. This meant participants didn't have to go to an un
known, daunting environment. We brought the learning to them”
“We hope in 12-months’ time, our learners look back and think ‘1mpact really helped us out. By working with Madani School & St Phillips Church. We’ve made personal connections, which has really helped us to understand how we can help in the area. These types of projects can really make a difference.” said Luke Doughty , Impacts other Director.
The 1mpact Leicester project will run until May 2021, supporting many participants to move closer to work or training.
1mpact are delivering similar Flexible Outreach projects in Bedford, Kempston, Luton & Leicester.
For more information about 1mpacts projects contact James or Luke.