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1mpact is working closely with Bedford Borough Councils ESOL Partnership Service and the South East Midlands Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) to help residents of Bedford & Kempston to improve their spoken English Language, Employability and Digital skills.

We are supporting Non-English Speakers, Unemployed Migrants,  School Parents, Victims of honour based violence and domestic abuse as part of the service

Our successful Flexible Outreach Project is supporting people in Bedford & Kempston with our 12 week cutting edge English Language programme.

Classes are fully funded for eligible students on certain benefits via University of Northampton's Pathways to Recovery European Social Fund (ESF) Project. South East Midlands Enterprise Partnerships (SEMLEP) European Social Fund Project (ESF) Community Grants Project and from the Department of Levelling Up Housing & Communities (DLUHC) under their ESOL for Intergration Fund (EFIF) delivered in partnership with Bedford Borough Council's ESOL service.

The project is developing from the best practise from our innovative Luton project. We believe Bedford and Kempston are ideal locations to replicate this successful model.

We are working with Schools in the Area (Kings Oak & Pine Cones), Project 229, Children's Centres, Bedford Job Centre Plus, Women's Refuges and Bedford Jobs Hut to support those in need.


We also provide the vital skills needed to move people closer to employment who are socially marginalised. We add in holistic support for ongoing challenges like Wellbeing, Fitness, Improved Confidence & Motivation under our three ESOL and Employability programmes


1) A1 - Steppeing Stones - Beginners

2) A2 - Building Blocks - Pre-Intermediate

3) B1 - Future Foundations - Intermediate


We are always seeking new School Partners so please contact us if you want to find out about our services and how we can help.

The Projects will run until Summer 2023..


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